Gift Ideas
Make a Princess birthday cake for your daughter
Materials required for the princess birthday cake:
Three 8-inch round cake pan, Medium-sized ovenproof glass bowl, Serrated knife Offset spatula, Frosting, Food coloring, Parchment paper, Paper, Fashion doll, Plastic wrap, Pastry cone with decorative tips, Star-shaped candies

Assembling the princess birthday cake
  • Bake three cakes in 8-inch round cake pans and one in a medium-sized ovenproof glass bowl. Keep them aside to cool.
  • Take a serrated knife and cut off the rounded tops of all three 8-inch cakes. Freeze the cakes for at least 45 minutes to avoid crumbing.
  • Cut a small hole in the center of each cake�s layer to fix the princess doll later.
  • Slide some pieces of parchment paper underneath the bottom layer of the cake to keep the decorating surface clean.
  • Put a dollop of frosting on one of the layers of cake with an offset spatula. Spread it evenly and place the other two layers similarly by frosting each layer on top. In last put the ovenproof glass bowl glass cake on top with its domed side up.
  • Now time to make a crumb coat (a thin layer of frosting to seal in the crumbs) to keep the frosting neat and clean.
  • Spread the frosting completely over the surface of the cake. Take a strip of paper and slightly bend it as to make a cup. Now place this strip of paper at the bottom of the cake and slide it evenly to the top of the cake.
  • Smoothen up the frosting around the hole you made in cake.
  • Freeze the cake for about 45 minutes to set the frosting.
Decorating the princess birthday cake:
  • Once your cake is set with frosting, place a dollop of frosting on its top and spread it lightly up to the bottom. Use your creativity and add some texture with the help of spatula. You can make small swirls in frosting to bring some fabric effect.
  • Wrap the doll (along with its hair if they are long) with plastic wrap.
  • Insert the princess doll carefully into the hole you made at cakes� layers. If any gap, fill it with frosting.
  • With pink frosting in pastry cone, pipe some stars around the doll�s body to fill in the gap in between its body and cake. Cover the bodice also with pink frosting.
  • Decorate her dress with candy stars. Put a wand and paper- hat on its head.
Now that cake is ready, you are ready to surprise your daughter on her birthday!! To view the process click on

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